Are You Listening? |
By: Wanda Fielder | ||
“Sleigh bells ring, ARE YOU LISTENING” — a familiar lyric during the Christmas holiday season came through the car radio while tuned in to the Sirius Holly station. Christmas thoughts began to surface in my mind, and I delighted in all the signs and sounds of the season. Ringing bells, Christmas carols, twinkling lights, shiny ornaments, the sweet aroma of baking cookies, happy laughter of children’s excitement as the beautifully wrapped gifts quickly become a pile of torn paper exposing the longed-for gift inside — are all seasonal signs. Every season speaks for itself through the abundant displays in stores and windows and through the sound in the air, but ARE YOU LISTENING? It would be nearly impossible to not recognize the sounds of the season, yet there are those who choose to ignore the excitement in the air like Ebenezer Scrooge portrayed in the famous 1843 novel of A Christmas Carol. In Matthew 24 the disciples questioned Jesus about signs of the end time, and Jesus began to declare the seasonal signs of which to be aware. After describing a litany of events for which to be watchful , in verse 44 He stated, “Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.” It is quite apparent today that we are seeing the declared signs in existence. It would be rather difficult to not be aware of the atmosphere. I ask today, ARE YOU LISTENING? |
Tea-lightful Inspirations ©2004-2015 |