“Before and After” |
By: Diane Stroup |
Being raised in a builder’s home, I have always loved construction. Whether it was Over forty years ago, when we were building our church in Indiana, we used our local manpower to help cut costs. My mother and I stained and varnished all the doors. When we were at a place where we could take a break, we would go into the sanctuary...to just sit. For although it wasn’t yet finished, there was such a peace in that big room. We always felt God’s presence there. Perhaps it was because of all the prayers that had been prayed about this special place and its future purpose. Even outsiders who came to check on our progress commented about the peace they felt in our sanctuary. And, the draw of the sanctuary has never faded for me. Too many times to count I have availed myself of special times alone with God, seeking direction, pouring out burdens and simply praising His awesome greatness. Entering into prayer I have often felt burdened down or heartsick, but later, departing from there, things were now clearer and I always left more hopeful and trusting that the answer was on the way. There was a significant difference in my mind and spirit after these precious moments spent alone with my Savior. Time alone with Him in the sanctuary made a real difference in the... “Before and After” In the 73rd Psalm, Asaph stated his lament to God like this: “I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked...UNTIL I went into the sanctuary; then understood I their end.” (verses 3 and 17) Like Asaph, we too, at times, can feel overwhelmed and confused in our upside-down world. But if we will take the time to close the door to all the things clamoring for our attention and get alone with God our perspective will change. Jesus promised us, saying, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John 14:27) Our prayer closet is the sanctuary where we, often times, enter in one way and depart completely changed. It is the very best... “Before and After!” |
Diane, is the wife of Rev. Robert Stroup, who recently retired from a 44-year-pastorate in Merrillville, Indiana, and also retirement from Indiana District Superintendent of the UPCI. Diane is the happy Nonnie to five grandchildren and is loved by many. She is enjoying the retirement life with family and friends and travel. |
Tea-lightful Inspirations ©2004-2024 |