Building My Faith    
By:  Wanda Fielder



My mission for a while now has been to think in a more positive manner, and in turn, to build my faith.  I found that it is impossible to increase one’s faith while allowing negativity in the mind.  Circumstances that enter our lives often create negative thinking, and I do not criticize this happening.  It is normal when illness, financial disaster, or numerous other ‘bad things’ come our way to become pessimistic in our thinking.  However, I do recognize that the pathway to faith must come from a positive or optimistic approach and will never be achieved through negativity.  Even so, faith is not simply positive thinking.


The Bible informs us in Romans 10:17, “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”  Hearing the preached word of God or reading His word is the most reliable route to building our faith.  It reinforces the positive.  Another lovely scripture is found in Jude 1:20, “But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost.”  Not only are you building your faith, but also you are building up yourself.  It is a fact that you are bettering yourself by building your faith!  This scripture also reminds us of the necessity of prayer.


Jesus gave gentle rebuke at times with the words, “O ye of little faith.” I never want to hear those words proclaimed over my life.   He also gave approval by declaring, “According to your faith be it unto you.”  And again He declared:  “Thy faith hath made thee whole.”  My utmost desire is to hear God decree these promising words to me. 

As we enter the new year of 2016, let us intensify these wonderful objectives to build our faith:  Hear the Word, Read the Word, Prayer.  What are you hoping to see accomplished in this new year?  I would love to hear the testimonies of the inevitable results of intentional dedication.  Your prayers will be answered and your lives enriched!


Happy New Year!



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