From the Inside Out |
By: Wanda Fielder | ||
Years ago, following an extensive major surgery, my husband was left with a gaping hole in his abdomen due to infection. We were surprised to discover that it would not be closed with staples or stitches but would be left open, as the doctor explained, to heal from the inside out. Over the What a lesson that I learned from watching this medical phenomenon! What happens in the Unforgiven hurts and pains will never completely disappear until they are healed from the inside. I’ve learned that to find your own inner healing, you must forgive those who have never even asked for forgiveness. Although you may have been wronged, your bitterness will only harm yourself and may have no affect at all on the person who caused the hurt in the first place. As we begin a brand-new year, this is the perfect time to let go of the past. Allow God to perform an inner healing on the damage you have kept within your soul. The relief you will achieve will be amazingly refreshing. Our own inner voice is usually the greatest obstacle in a complete inner healing. Positive thoughts must replace the negative for a successful change Once again one of my favorite scriptures that I have used over and over again fits this situation. Begin working today ‘on the inside out’ to becoming a new you! |
Tea-lightful Inspirations ©2004-2017 |