Graduation and Celebration |
By: Wanda Fielder |
Having just experienced observing our youngest son graduate from college in a lovely ceremony of pomp and splendor, my mind reflects the arduous journey involved. Many hours of study, worry, sleeplessness, reading, research and sheer determination went into this final culmination of the evening of commencement. A significant goal such as this does not arrive without much hard work, fortitude and resolve to make it happen. There are many students who start the college pathway but never reach the target of graduation for lack of perseverance or various other reasons. Fond memories recall many different graduations in the lives of my sons. Graduating from the cradle or bassinet to the crib, then to a toddler bed and finally to the adult-sized bed was fun to experience. Graduating from bottle to solid baby food and on to table food was a good sign of growth. Kindergarten graduation was such a fun time and seems not that far back. Children graduate from pedal cars, to battery-operated vehicles, to a tricycle, bicycle, and the final dream of an automobile. Graduation signifies the completion of a course of action or study. There is a final graduation that we have long been preparing for and looking forward to with great anticipation. Although the word rapture is not in the Bible, it has become a goal and destination for the child of God. To stand before our King and hear him say, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant!” will bring the greatest joy and fulfillment. When hearing those precious words, it will not matter how much effort, toil, disappointment, and perseverance went into achieving our goal. That will be insignificant and forgotten if you make it to heaven. Many of our friends and family have already graduated to the life beyond and have fulfilled their commitment of days on earth. We still live for that special day. Never lose sight of the goal that is set before you no matter what may hinder your progress. It will be so worth your effort. We celebrated our son, Bryan’s graduation with a special family dinner and then with an open house with all his friends. What a celebration that we will have when we make it to heaven and sit at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb! Signs of the times declare that congratulations will soon be in order!
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