Highway to Heaven |
By: Wanda Fielder |
The first time I saw the song title, Stairway to Heaven, I thought it sounded like a great name for a good gospel song. However, it was anything but that. It was released in 1971 and made popular by a hard rock group and was not at all about heaven. Although the world readily accepted and admired the lyrics, it brings me to the journey that I have been on for all my life and continue to pursue – highway to heaven. Recently reading a Sarah Young devotion, I was drawn to the words she penned – “The road we’re traveling together is ultimately a highway to heaven. When you consider this radiant destination, the roughness or smoothness of the road ahead becomes much less significant.” She continued by declaring that we have a dual focus – God’s continual presence and the hope of heaven. Having had the amazing blessing of being born into a home declaring God’s truth, my whole life has been a journey on the highway to heaven. The focus of every single day in our home was to walk well on the path set by God’s Word. It wasn’t always flat land and easy, but it included curvy roads and steep hills. There were failures, disappointments, difficult rocks on the road, but never did I desire to turn another direction. It was sometimes steep and rugged, but the ridges would eventually become smooth and easier to navigate. There were also beautiful, cheerful, brightly-colored flowers growing on the roadside, occasional flowing streams, giant trees overflowing with leaves that offered a cooling shade and friendly, encouraging people that accompanied our walk. According to the scripture in Hebrews 13:5, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee, we have the promise of God’s presence permanently with us. What an assurance and encouragement! God’s presence and the hope of heaven is all we need to keep us faithful and consistent on the highway to heaven. We cannot afford to become distracted by new doctrines and diverted paths as the Bible tells us it is a straight and narrow way. I love how Sarah Young called it a ‘radiant’ destination. I have been blessed to visit some exotic locations, but I can hardly wait to view heaven in all of its glory and splendor! By keeping the destination the main focus, we will not be hampered by distractions along the way. Fond memories flood my mind as a child hearing the quite simple yet wonderful lyrics to a song penned by Jessy Dixon, Highway to Heaven. |
Chorus: Verse: |
Don’t be discouraged or deterred on your journey. If you diligently remain on the highway to heaven, you will reap eternity in the presence of our King!
Tea-lightful Inspirations ©2004-2022 |