Improved Eyesight |
_-----As a very young child around five years of age, I began to have difficulty with my eyesight. Everything in my vision was a little blurry, and it was becoming more and more of a problem to focus clearly. It was a genuine problem; however, I must admit that I thought it was quite glamorous to wear glasses. Therefore when my mother took me to the optometrist for an examination, I was determined to leave there with an ordered pair of eyeglasses. After the examination by the eye doctor, he began to show me the various styles of eyeglass frames that were available. I was fascinated! One by one I began to try them on and then would look at myself in the mirror. Finally I spotted the perfect pair. As soon as I tried them on I declared to the doctor, “I can see better already!” Of course, you can imagine the laughter that followed. In my five-year-old mind, I thought I could convince the doctor and my mother that this was the perfect pair of frames for me. The frame alone improved my poor eyesight! In the natural I have had to deal with the problem of astigmatism in my vision. This simply means that my vision is distorted, and it causes blurring. Sometimes our spiritual vision becomes a little blurry, and we need to make a visit to our heavenly physician. Psalm 119:18 states, “Openthou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law.” Through frequent visits to him, we find ourselves with a much clearer vision for looking at the “wondrous” things and not at the negative things. After completing the examination through his Word, we discover the areas that need a little help. With diligence in seeking our great physician, we can finally focus clearly and lose the distortion of our spiritual vision. Even yet there are times when we have difficulty seeing clearly in the spiritual realm. God gave us an answer for that in I Corinthians 13:12 where the Word declares, “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” May you continue to have improved eyesight!
Tea-lightful Inspirations ©2004-2015