In Him |
_-----Sometimes what we need is just a word of encouragement, and I offer it to you in the form of this simple poem. We must never neglect to keep our eyes on the goal and remember the source of our strength. When everything around you seems to be falling apart, God is walking right beside you and is in control. There are situations in which we feel so alone, but He is always there.
At times we also must encourage ourselves when no one else seems to offer their support or understanding. We have a great example of this in the Old Testament in the following verse. 1 Samuel 30:6 - And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God.
In Him is everything that we need! In Him (by Wanda Fielder) In Him I find strength for the day Rest when I’m weary And light for my way. When friends seem far from me, And trials come my way, The load seems so heavy From Him I can’t stray.
For all that I hope for And for all that I’ve dreamed When my vision seems gone and my view is grim Fulfillment will come if I remain in Him.
He gives joy when there’s sorrow. From pain He sets free When I’m feeling lonely A friend He will be. I must not waver And when my light grows dim All I need is to be in Him.
Tea-lightful Inspirations ©2004-2015