Lighten Up

By:  Wanda Fielder


     Often in my traveling I have discovered that my travel bags were entirely too heavy to maneuver by myself.  Traipsing up and down stairs dragging a heavy suitcase just one time should have been enough to teach me a lesson, but, alas, I had to repeat the process for it to sink in.
     Sometimes it is my handbag that becomes a weight on my shoulder when I have overstuffed it with unnecessary items or things that I thought for sure I needed.  Having my shoulders and back ache from the load reminded me to take time for a cleanout. 

     Our lives become just as cluttered with weights, and we frequently find ourselves needing to lighten the load.  We may be carrying physical, emotional or spiritual baggage.  Unresolved hurt, unfulfilled expectations, and simply bad things happening to good people may have added baggage to our lives.  It is vital that we release this negative baggage before it causes damage to us.   Most of the things that weigh us down and wear us out are the things that we pick up along the way.  Just as an airline clearly marks an overweight bag and charges an extra fee, our lives also show when we are carrying too heavy of a load; and we will pay the price.

In I Peter 5:7 we are given explicit instructions on how to lighten our load.  “Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you.”  And then again in Psalm 55:22 – “Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee:  he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.”


Give it all to Jesus right now and – Lighten Up!



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