Nevertheless |
By: Ashley Moss |
When you read the Old Testament (particularly 1 and 2 Kings), you can’t help but feel tired when you read about the ups and downs that Israel faced. Their nation split into two and they had king after king, some good, some bad, some TERRIBLE. The cycle of all of everything the nations had to face is exhausting and just so sad. Then, 2 Kings chapter 12 rolls around and you have this wonderful glimmer of hope. Jehoash (or Joash, depending on where you are reading his story) comes on the scene, and he was going to be the good king. Judah was going to have a good king, exactly what they needed. Verse 2 says that Jehoash did what was right in the eyes of the Lord all his days. You might rejoice when you read this scripture, because as someone with an outside perspective you know that he is exactly who the people needed—a God fearing king. But the very next verse says “Nevertheless, the high places were not taken away; the people continued to sacrifice and make offerings on the high places” (2 Kings 12:3 ESV). When I read the word “nevertheless” I couldn’t help but think “Here we go, AGAIN.” He was the good king! He did was right. He listened to the priest; he did what he was supposed to do in the eyes of God. But NEVERTHELESS, he didn’t tear down the high places. He let the people continue to make sacrifices that were not pleasing to God. Nevertheless. He didn’t rid the nation of the evil that constantly plagued them. He left high places up that needed to be torn down. Don’t misunderstand me-Jehoash did great things during his reign. He raised money to help restore the temple of the Lord, he was obedient to what the priest advised, and as the Bible stated, he did what was right. But that nevertheless makes me pause. He held on to something in his life that needed to be torn down. After the priest died, he turned to idol worship and false gods and ended up being killed. How would his story have ended differently if he would have just removed the nevertheless? What about you? Are there high places in your life that need to be eliminated to reach your full potential? Are you doing what is right, but leaving reminders of your past lurking in your life? Does your story have a nevertheless that needs to be torn down? I want to encourage you to evaluate your life and remove what doesn’t need to be there. Even if you aren’t the one going to the high places, don’t leave them standing there. Tear them down, remove them. What is your nevertheless and how can you change that today?
Ashley Moss is a homeschooling mom to four active boys! She and her husband, Tyler, have been married since 2008. They are actively involved in a variety of roles at Calvary Church. She deeply loves ministry and has a passion for moms with young children. She leads the Calvary’s Moms group, is a ladies team leader, and works in coordination with her husband to plan large events and connect with new members and guests at Calvary. In addition to her work on the local church level, Ashley is currently a sectional ladies director for the South Central Texas |
Ashley Moss |
Tea-lightful Inspirations ©2004-2023 |