New Beginnings – Again! |
By: Wanda Fielder |
New Beginnings – I love the name of our children’s placement and family services program in Tupelo, MS. Some of the sweet stories I have heard of the happiness provided by their services is so heart touching. Since 1988, over 500 children have been placed into permanent, Christian homes. It seems to be the perfect name as it does provide a new beginning for so many infants. |
The name provokes me to thinking about many different new beginnings – birth, schooling, graduation, marriage, new employment, and the list continues. My life story, as well as yours, is full of new beginnings, some successful and some not. Sometimes a new beginning creates excitement, anxiety or trepidation, but it always indicates a brand new journey upon which one is about to embark. Life is all about new beginnings |
January is the perfect time for new beginnings, changes or new starts. It is so common to hear someone declare that in January they plan to start a new diet. And how often do you also hear, “Not again!”? Yes, again! Good intentions frequently require several attempts until fully completed. Don’t give up! Everyone has his own field of new beginnings. What is yours? Perhaps you have made many attempts at reading the Bible through, but it never came to fruition. Start again! It might be that you intend to become more involved in your spiritual commitment and have even considered teaching a home Bible study. Do it! Have your daily devotions and prayer life slacked after many commitments to do better? Begin again! |
Past failures or incompletions do not dictate your future. All it takes is a new beginning! Here’s to 2014 and its new beginnings! Whether physical, emotional or spiritual get started now! I look forward to hearing where your new beginnings take you! |
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