Ornaments of Grace


    As a special experience for my six-year-old granddaughter, Maddi, I promised her that she could decorate her very own Christmas tree all by herself. I supplied a small tree and then took her on a shopping spree to purchase ornaments and decorations. She excitedly perused the glittering garlands, baubles and novelty curios. As far as she was concerned, the gaudier the better! I just kept quiet and let her choose. (Although that was difficult for me!) We paid for the sparkling items and made our way home. She had great fun placing each ornament on the tree and then moving it several times before she decided it was in the perfect position, and I had great delight watching her work. She was soon finished, and we both stood and admired her first attempt at decorating a tree unassisted.

    An ornament is described as an accessory or detail used to beautify the appearance of something to which it is added; an adornment or embellishment. (Dictionary.com Unabridged v1.0.1) We most commonly consider ornaments during the Christmas holiday season for the use of decorating a tree -- gold, silver, sparkling, shiny, matte, novelty, elegant and beautiful. Ornaments abound in every choice of color and design.

    Ornaments are mentioned several times in the Bible, and twice the Scripture refers to an “ornament of grace.” Proverbs 1:9 asserts: For they shall be an ornament of grace unto thy head, and chains about thy neck. The whole chapter refers to receiving instruction and having understanding. Verse eight speaks specifically of receiving the instruction of a father and the law of a mother –in other words, obedience. Again in Proverbs 4:9 we read: She shall give to thine head an ornament of grace: a crown of glory shall she deliver to thee. Then in Proverbs 25:12 it states: As an earring of gold, and anornament of fine gold, so is a wise reprover upon an obedient ear. It becomes evident that obedience to instruction gives added beauty to the life of a Christian – an ornament; an embellishment.

    As the ornament adds loveliness to the holiday tree so does an obedient spirit add to the comeliness of our lives and becomes an ornament of grace. Grace can be defined as elegance or beauty of form or manner, a pleasing quality; a virtue or excellence. (WordNet #2.0 2003 Princeton University). I Peter 3:4 indicates: But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.

    Of utmost importance to us is how we appear in God’s eyes. The ornament of a beautiful spirit of meekness and obedience is of great value to God. To those around us it is also looked upon with admiration. We all enjoy being around someone of excellent spirit. Strive for excellence; desire success; be diligent in your commitment. You will become an ornament of grace in God’s sight!

Written by: Wanda Fielder




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