Our God is Cool! |
By:Wanda Fielder |
Recently while entering to pray in our Ladies Prayer Room, which doubles as the Alpha Teen class, I glanced at the bulletin board over my chair. The center of the board had large letters that said “Our God is . . .,” and the rest of the board was literally covered with small papers with one word descriptions of God. As I generally start my prayer with praise (before I bombard Him with all my requests), I began to use the words on the board. Words like awesome, mighty, everlasting Father, kind, friend, great, indestructible, good and many more uplifting words began to fill my praise to the Lord. Then I came to the word “cool.” I paused for a moment and had to chuckle as I prayed that description. In the mind of one young teen, the definition seemed to perfectly fit his opinion of our God. Cool! Perhaps the word is heard more frequently from the mouths of the younger generation, but we all comprehend the connotation. Have you ever used that word to describe someone? If so, you must really like that individual and have a high opinion of him or her. They must be totally “with it” and meet your expectations. They no doubt like you and are your friend. Then it fits God perfectly! He is totally cool in my mind although I have never used that word to depict Him. After that experience in our prayer room, I have found myself contemplating who God is to me and elevating Him with my praise. What is God to you? Is He your dearest friend? Is He your joy giver, faithful listener, constant companion? Of course, He is all these and more. Years ago we sang a chorus that said, He’s everything they told me, He’s everything and more. It is impossible to fully describe the mighty God that we serve, so I well understand the heart of this young person coming up with just one word . . . cool! God will be to you just exactly what you need at the moment you need it. When all friends are gone, He is your friend. When there is no one who understands your tears that fall, He is there with His comforting arm to console and comfort you. When the strength is gone from your body, and you feel weary from the toil of your day, He sustains you. I would say that is totally cool! |
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