Praise is What I Do |
By: Shelley Wilson |
My title has been taken from a song written by William Murphy. This song has become the theme song for my life. It's been a reminder for me that, “praise is what I do,” and should continue to do at all times. One day, while speaking with Nona Freeman, I learned all about what this song really means. I was telling her about some of the situations going on in my life, and she began to tell me about her life. Her husband was dying with cancer. She said the Lord told her what her place in this trial was, and he reminded her of the scripture, “I will bless the Lord at all times: His praise shall continually be in my mouth.” If she could praise God no matter what she was going through, then there would be no excuses for me. This holds true for both Paul and Silas. They surely had an excuse not to praise Him. They were bound in prison. The Bible says they prayed and sang praises, and both them and all of the other prisoners were released from prison. Years ago I was in a car accident and had multiple injuries. My husband immediately went to prayer for me. All the internal injuries were unknown, so for many hours I couldn't receive pain medication. There seemed to be no relief. He began singing the chorus, “We Exalt Thee,” and I was relieved of all pain and fell asleep. Sometimes life requires a song when we feel we are least able to sing. It doesn't seem like it could possibly be the relief or the battle plan. For example, God told Jehoshaphat to send out worshipers, and they would be victorious. We have to make the choice to put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. My daughter was diagnosed with Melanoma a few years ago. We didn't know how we would deal with this circumstance. This song says, “All my circumstance doesn't even stand a chance.” I'll praise, I'll praise, I'll praise. Praise will bring you out without a doubt! Praise is why we've come this far. Praise will see you through! I owe everything to Him. He is the reason for my praise. Praise is what I do.
Shelley is the mother of two lovely daughters, Brittany and Lindsay, and is married to Michael Wilson, who pastors Christian Life Church in Delaware, Ohio. She is also my sweet niece! |
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