Spring Into Action! |
By: Gayla Foster |
Today there is a maze of nutritional information that will confuse even the experts. Over 20 years ago I left a radical nutritionist’s office with my head spinning, not understanding a word she was saying. The woman was what you would call…a health “nut”. She told me things about my eating habits that I didn’t want to hear, much less do! Directing me to health food stores, I was even more confused. I’ll never forget that strange smell and how everything looked tasteless-blah. How was I going to survive this new lifestyle and make this dreaded change? Help! I needed a crash course in nutrition. That was over 20 years ago and I am still learning! One of the most valuable lessons you can learn is how wonderful Biblical foods are. These include whole foods, fresh vegetables, juices, green leaf salads, herbs, nuts and seeds. I wouldn’t think of going back to my old lifestyle of feeling weighed down and drowsy after a lunch that consisted of cheeseburger, fries, shake and hot apple pie. The bonuses outweigh the baggage! Ring in the Spring with these timely tips:
Louise Tenney, M.H., to carry in your purse.
SPRING CLEANINGFasting is the best detoxifier for cleansing your body of unwanted toxins and waste as it cleans your colon, bloodstream, liver, kidneys and gets the lymphatic system moving. You should detoxify your body one day a week (Monday is best after busy a weekend) and three times a year for a period of 3-7 days. The best times to detoxify are:
SPRING IN YOUR STEPSupplements are needed at times because of the way our food is processed and grown today. Some of the vitamins you might need are:
SPRING PLANTINGOnce you learn the basics, it will take time and commitment to plant and cultivate new truths and habits that will become a way of life for a lifetime. It doesn't’t need to be a time and mind-consuming endeavor. The best way to break a bad habit is to replace it with a good habit. You reap what you sow! There are blessings by obeying the Levitical Laws. Pull a weed and plant a flower!
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