The Power of “What if…?” |
By: Amber Kleiman |
“What if…” So vague, yet so powerful. It may be highly unlikely that your “what if” will happen if you look at it statistically. Yet, it makes life unbearable for many. Why is it that we are so consumed by worry? We allow scenarios to be created in our minds, and then we feed on them until we are to the point of torment. All the while, God looks to rescue our minds from the captivating power of fear. Do you ever feel like you’re waiting for the other shoe to drop? You wake up in the morning and the first thought in your mind is, “I wonder what bad thing will happen today?” It may sound far-fetched, but so many live this way. I believe the fear we experience comes from past hurt. We are conceived and born into a sinful world. We grow up surrounded by pain, abuse, divorce, financial stress and the list could go on. Time after time grief, injustice and sorrow are handed to us, sometimes with no warning. We become like the deer in the heat of hunting season, constantly looking over our shoulder. Nervously wringing our hands at the thought of what may happen, we build a house of fear one brick at a time. We look around and see nothing but negativity. The illusive “what if” has become our reality. In Matthew 6:25-34, Jesus encapsulates this way of thinking and gives us the remedy. Verse 33 commands us to seek first the kingdom of God, and everything else will be taken care of. Isaiah 26:3 is another powerful antidote. “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” The word “stayed” literally means to lean upon. The person whose mind is leaning upon God will have perfect peace. This takes a lot of practice. Our minds are not naturally inclined to the positive power of peace. Rather, we tend to automatically assume the worst. What if we took these verses seriously and changed our actions (Matthew 6:25-34) and our thoughts (Isaiah 26:3)? Instead of turning instinctively to gloom and doom, turn your thoughts to Jesus. Meditate on His word when you feel the urge to think or act negatively. It’s not rocket science, really. We’ve heard it for a long time, the “power of positive thinking”. It’s easy to brush that statement aside as a new-fangled approach to happiness. In actuality, it’s an old remedy for a human problem. It was first stated by God through the pen of his servant. Isaiah 26:3 proves that God designed the power of positive thinking. 2 Timothy 1:7 supports this by saying, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” God never intended for His children to be tormented in their minds. Satan presents a smorgasbord of fear, doubt and worry into which we heartily dive. We need not partake of his deadly delicacies any longer. Let us, instead, turn to the heavenly buffet of power, love and a sound mind! The result? The worry of “what if” will be turned into the power of perfect peace.
Amber and her husband, Eric, serve as associate pastor to Rev. Jerry Burns at The Living Word Church in Rio Rancho, NM. She is actively involved in the music ministry of the church and is mother to three beautiful children. |
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