Mia Chapdelaine

By: Mia Chapdelaine

In my 38 years, I’ve been blessed with examples of true, unadulterated, committed love.  I was raised in a home filled with unreserved love that was shown through accolades and affection. It would be a simple hug, touch of the hand, or pat on the shoulder while we worked on homework, or various times through our days. Other times it was my dad sweeping my mom up to steal a quick kiss, much to the chagrin of us kids. My parents will celebrate 50 years of marriage this year, and before them, both my maternal and paternal grandparents were married for over 50 years, parted only by death. These accounts of love and longevity are, unfortunately, rare in these days. But love like that doesn't just happen, it requires sacrifice, time, and investment.  My father often describes commitment as "A long walk in the same direction”, it can’t just be a ‘here and there’ sort of thing, its got to be a ‘now and forever I choose you’ thing. Love is enduring. Love is exclusive. Love is putting someone else before yourself. Love often means putting your ‘self’ aside.


As a wife of 14 years, mother of three, and Pastor’s child who now serves as a Pastor’s wife, I understand the many facets of love. While exhausting at times, because of what is involved in maintaining a variety of interpersonal relationships, it is no less essential. As a Christian, just as a wife and mother, I cannot afford to pick and choose who I love - in the world or the Kingdom - it must be big, it must be constant, and it must be real.


Webster defines love as: “a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection…passion or desire;” cut and dry, as simple as that. But is that really all it is?  To really understand love, we need the ‘God-definition’. Perhaps one of the most recited and familiar references about love comes from 1 Corinthians 13 but the Word doesn’t stop there. Jesus, Himself, tells us in John 15: “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends” and there are countless other references that could be mentioned.


The Truth is we can't fully understand what love is and how to love until we have the revelation and knowledge of who God is and the extent of His love for us. When man wanted to be God, God came to earth as a man. God, in flesh, paid the ultimate price, in love, for each and every one of us so we could have abundant life. When man had made mistakes, sinned against Him, was unfaithful to Him, still He said ‘I choose you, now and forever.’ He brought forgiveness, redemption, mercy & true, perfect love to people that He knew would reject Him through the ages, yet He still came, and He still died. What greater sacrifice? What greater love?


For those that choose Him first, commit their lives fully to Him, and long to spend time in His presence, it is the most fulfilling life of love. It cannot be matched by mere human relationship, it is more than feeling, desire and passion, it is really living and can only be found in Him. Choose Him today and never live another day asking: “What is love?’




Mia Chapdelaine is a worship leader, Kids Bible Study teacher, and Pastor's wife at Cornerstone Pentecostal Church in Portage, MI.  She was raised in a Pastor's home and began serving in various capacities in the church at a very early age. She studied music at Indiana Bible College, and medicine at Western Michigan University before earning her degree in business from Baker University. Besides serving in the Kingdom, Mia is also the mother of three beautiful children, Evan (11), Jaxon (8) and Reagan (3) and devoted wife to Pastor Dwaine Chapdelaine - they will celebrate 15 years of marriage this November. 



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