You Are the Reason |
By: Wanda Fielder
Finally completing the Christmas decorations in my home, I turned all the tiny white lights on and sat back and enjoyed the sparkle, glitz, greenery and ornaments that had been added. It was just so cheerful and really put me in the holiday mood. I have always loved the holidays and all that goes with it. From the parties, banquets, tree trimming, to the Chicago trips to delight in the highly decorated store windows, I love it. My favorite thing to do on December mornings is to turn on all the tiny white Christmas lights, fill a favorite mug with coffee, get my Bible and relax in the Lazy Boy recliner while I read. Perfection!
Lest we become too caught up in the commercializing of the holiday, every year we are reminded of the most important part of Christmas with signs and products everywhere that state Jesus is the Reason for the Season. Of course, we never want to neglect Him as the very purpose of celebration. However, this year I saw a statement that has really impacted me. It said, “YOU are the reason for the season!” I began to give that some thought, and it struck home to me. Why was Jesus born of a virgin in humble beginnings in the little town of Bethlehem? For you and for me! Why did He suffer the agony, pain and humiliation of death on a cross? For you and for me! Why did He choose to rise again three days later? For you and for me! Amazing revelation! He did it for me! There is one more celebration that I am looking forward to, and that is His soon return. He is coming back for YOU and for ME. Being filled with His Spirit and walking with Him allows us to anticipate His return with joy. All of the holiday celebrating cannot even begin to compare with the eternal celebration with Him. I want to be ready. Don’t you! |
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